Rosácea - Vicente Palacios

Você pode encontar o diagrama da rosácea no livro A Arte do Origami , organizado por Mari Kanegae. A latinha eu comprei na 25 de Março :-P O verniz eu comprei na Gana Presentes , dá um acabamento muito bom para a peça.

Taken from the book A Arte do Origami , a compilation by Mari Kanegae, but I'm afraid there's only the Brazilian print. I highly recommend you buy this book, because even though it's in Portuguese, you will have no problem understanding the diagrams, and it has more than 70 models from artists all over the world. It may be a bit tricky finding it though, I couldn't find it on Amazon O_O The glaze is from Jong Ie Nara , but I bought it from my favorite local shop here in Brazil. Oh, and you can use any mint tin to embellish it :-)

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